I offer energy healing services including Reiki and Golden Light Healing to help you along your spiritual path and journey.

During these sessions, I act as a channel and guide in helping you connect with your intuition, activate your True Self, and release what no longer serves you.

How We Can Work Together

30 Minute Distance Energy Boost Session

Don’t have time for a full session? Want to dip your toes into the energy-healing waters? No problem! I offer 30 minute distance sessions for your convenience.

1 Hour Distance Energy Healing Session

Want the full experience of energy healings but can’t come in person? I have the perfect solution! I have the option of 1 hour distance energy healing sessions.

1 Hour In-Person Energy Healing Session

Want to take a pause from the business of the world for a little self care? I offer in-person energy healing session for this exact reason!

3 Card Oracle Reading

Want a little extra insight from your Spirit Guides?

This is exactly why I offer 3 Card Oracle Readings!

These readings are done via recording and sent for you to listen to whenever you feel called.


  • Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes stress relief and relaxation and enhances the body’s natural healing ability. During our session, life force energy is guided through the hands, clearing and balancing your energy centers to help you along your healing journey.

  • Golden light healing is an energy healing that not only helps you to release what is no longer serving you, but activates your energy field. In these sessions, we do inner child, past life, chakra healing, and more!

  • The sessions are always intuitively guided so you receive the perfect energy for what is the most beneficial along your spiritual journey at the time. It may be a mix of both or one or the other.

  • Nope! While energy healings, readings, and spiritual guidance are wonderful tools along your healing journey, they are not replacements for mental health, medical, or professional services and should only be used for entertainment purposes.

  • One wonderful aspect of Energy Healing is that it’s able to transcend space and time to affect someone far away, in the past or future. Therefore, you can be anywhere to receive it. To prepare for a Distance Energy Healing session, set up a peaceful environment and get comfortable lying or sitting down in a comfortable position a few minutes before the scheduled time. Set an intention for the healing and open your mind and heart to receiving the energy. Treat this time as a meditation or relaxation practice. After the session, we will discuss any intuitive insights from the session.